In recent times, Covid pandemic has triggered an exponential growth of the online learning industry. From schooling to universities, hobby classes to jobs, video calls with family to giving a winning sales pitch, everything seems to be happening online. Before the pandemic online learning was not as prevalent mainly related to online searches, courses or submitting assignments, videos and podcasts or may be a few other things.
Will we revert back to physical/classroom learning or will a hybrid model evolve? Does the benefits of online learning weigh more than its side effects? Is online learning really helpful for kids or it will create long lasting health issues? These are some of the thoughts which I am sure must have come to our minds in recent times. The truth is no one has precise answers to these questions and remembering the fact that ‘change is inevitable’, let’s embrace the change!
Online Learning Industry
eLearning industry market is close to USD 1 trillion already and is projected for a strong growth in the next 10 years. Digitization of learning content is happening in all fields – business, healthcare, education, fashion, politics and others, new online learning platforms are emerging every day offering online courses, live classes. Given the increasing mobile usage time, mobile e-learning has also experienced a robust growth. Whether you are on a local train to office, in a café, waiting for a friend learners can now learn on the go with eLearning apps and mobile friendly websites.
Note: Online learning refers to learning using the internet.
Parent’s belief for online learning
Across the globe during pandemic almost all children have experienced online learning. Parents have developed a mix belief system related to positives and negatives of online learning with a little frustration that whether they like it or not they cannot completely avoid online learning for their kids. Parent’s belief and attitude towards early age online learning has been found polarized, it after all depends on what factors each parent weigh more for their child.
Why parents don’t like online learning for their kids
- Lack of learning atmosphere
- Health issues – weak eyes, lack of physical activity
- Kids can get exposed to digital content not relevant to their age, addiction to online games
- Parents also need to spent time helping kids set up meeting, submitting assignments, explaining the homework
- Lack of physical and emotional interaction, social isolation
- Disadvantaged or poor kids do not have access to digital devices and internet
Amazing benefits of online learning over physical learning
- More focus and less distraction
- Convenience – attend classes from home, saves time
- Take classes at your convenient time, or self-paced learning videos
- Access to wealth of knowledge and great tutors from across the world
- Lower costs, cheaper compared to physical classes
- Interactive digital content for learning with fun and interest

Role of parents in kids online learning
How can we maximize the positives and minimize the negatives of eLearning? Parents don’t need to stress over their kid’s online learning, just take simple steps. Play the mediator role between kids and internet to customize what content kids can watch, setup rules using technology to limit the viewing time, blocking sites, supervise child’s screen time. More importantly spend quality time with kids, listen to them, understand their changing interests and behavior, give the confidence that you always support them, go for an evening walk with kids. The learning ecosystem also involves other players such as tutors, digital content, learning communities which all have a role in kids online learning.
Statistics say that we learn more in interactive and fun environments. In the era where numerous self-paced learning platforms, apps and options are available and liked by many, the fact that interaction is quite important and indispensable part of learning cannot be denied. The self-paced platforms miss the most important part of learning, i.e. interaction. There were times when only physical face to face interaction was the only option available for learning. However, with the technological advancements and internet bringing the world together, the online interaction has increased manifold.
There are several factors which amplify our ability to learn with live online learning. Being in our physical comfort zone; our homes, we have access to the world’s best courses, teachers, and platforms. Moreover, in live learning we have access to numerous peers to interact in real time and enormous thoughts which instigate, interrupt and enhances our way of thinking making us learn a lot more than what we can learn within the limit of a classroom having people from similar demographics.
Not the least, we must appreciate all the schools, universities and learning institutions in the world who really worked hard to teach students online during pandemic. Along with teaching kids online, teachers also have to first digitize the content, prepare online assignments and later check assignments and provide one on one feedback to kids and parents. Kudos!
Has your kids academic score gone up or down with eLearning? What do you think is the value provided by online learning for kids?
Mynsha offers unique courses for kids to spark interest, improve focus and make learning fun !